
Have something you'd like to share with us? Contact us here and share your story! We'd love to hear where your SOAR has taken you!


Hi Larry,
There is only one way to describe the SOAR Pro Pioneer;  WOW!

But if you want more detail, here goes; We were so impressed with this boat! Sure, with a thousand pounds of gear (see attached photo), we put her “maneuverability” to the test, but what other craft could carry this much crap and still be paddled by only two people?!

Our western arctic shoot (on the Utukok River) went great– lots of caribou, a white wolf, and a very close, very cool grizzly “camped” across the river from us.  PBS will be happy!

Favorite features:

  • Many, many D-rings. We used all of them.
  • The way that the boat swallowed our bear barrels-they fit perfectly athwart and stacked nicely. Also, we discovered a Thermos-brand collapsible cooler that not only fits athwart (24W x 15T x 12W), but made a terrific container for our 1000-watt Honda generator AND a 65# deep-cycle battery.
  • Rugged construction.  After much tugging to drag over the numerous shoals, the handles and D-ring attachment points didn’t budge or show signs of strain.Stability of the platform.  The Pro Pioneer is not “tippy.

Great design on the Pro Pioneer!

-Jennifer & Art Smith, Kaktovik, AK

Hey Larry! How’s life? Thought I would send a few snaps of our trip down the Kootenay River last fall. We timed it well with a sunny mid-September weekend. The bald eagles were feasting on the Kokanee and we had the river to ourselves. I’m currently working in Kootenay National Park, so I have had some good opportunities to explore a few seldom traveled rivers in the area. We’re planning on a late September trip down the Middle Fork of Salmon this fall, so we need to beef up our SOAR line-up! I want to inquire about your spring sale before I’m too late! Talk to you soon,

-Leland Clarke, St Albert, AB

We just came back from a trip down the San Juan from Bluff,Ut to Mexican Hat, Ut. Hopefully we can float the section beyond Mexican Hat through the “Goosenecks” next time. This was a great float with Class 1, 11+, rapids. Lots of desert bighorn sheep, deer, birds, sun, and wind on the last day. It was a great trip!

-Terry and Helen, Salida, CO

I just came back from GMU 26B float hunt. Here are some pictures of the Pro Pioneer I used. Great product – worked as advertised—thanks for the recommendation, Larry. We did some dragging at the beginning when the water dropped below 3″ but not below that. Thank God for all the handles and the bullet proof hull. The boats proved easy to maneuver and proved extremely stable when loaded. I borrowed the boat from a friend who owns two. I will own my own soon. I’m sold. Cheers!

-Max Moore, Fort Rich, AK

We had three hard shell canoes and one SOAR 16 on our descent of the upper Nahanni.
The most skilled paddlers were in the hard shells, but of course the SOAR was the only boat that didn’t flip. I took three swims out of a hard shell in one day and was sure wishing I’d been paddling a SOAR instead. Being in a SOAR would have really reduced the anxiety, which in my book translates to an increase in enjoyment. A SOAR’s stability would have all so given us the ability to be more helpful in coming to the aid of the swimmers. As you know, I’ve been a fan of SOARs for so many years. You build the best boat for wilderness rivers like the Nahanni!

-Leon Werdinger, Joseph, OR

I bought the SOAR 16 from you several years ago and my family has enjoyed it on a variety of rivers in Idaho. I thought I would send a photo taken on the South Fork of the Payette on a stretch called Swirly Canyon.

-Chanon Romo

Hey Larry,
I’ve been meaning to send you photos for a few years now. Attached are three
photos of a recent excursion on the Delta River. In the pictures is my wife at the oars, a family friend, my two year old son, my poodle, and between my son and the friend is my 2 1/2 month old son!

We went through quite a few 2 ft tall standing wave trains, and I can tell you we
certainly wouldn’t have run those with our youngest in our hard-side canoe.

My wife and I are canoeists at heart, but we got the row saddles just for this
reason: one person can row the boat and the other can tend to the children. You’ll
notice my oldest son in the photo is sitting down in a kid’s camp chair with a back
and armrests. I strapped it in and it was the perfect fit.

We kept my youngest on a folded over foam mattress to keep him off the floor and
dry. We still have one set of bailers open. Great boat!! Have a grand rest of the summer,

-Daniel Fisher

Here are some pics of our S16 near Ketchikan and in the Misty Fjords area, Alaska from March through July. Thus far we have used it in salt water for sightseeing, crabbing and camping. The payload has been from 2-4 people, with or without a 6hp outboard. With 4 people we can achieve around 7-8 mph, and with 2 people about 8-10 mph depending on wind and tides. There has been plenty of room for 2 of us to overnight(s) with many “extras” we don’t usually have compared to backpacking. The S16 has been very stable, even in winds up to 25mph with approximately 3-4ft waves for a short haul across a unprotected straight. We are both eagerly awaiting our next placement near some rivers to try some freshwater fun. Our SOAR has allowed us to see humpback whales, seals, sea lions, sea otters, black bears, brown bear, eagles, schools of herring and salmon all up close (sometimes too close). Thus far we have been very pleased with the boat and the outboard motor attachment. We love our SOAR!

-Lori and Leon Hutchinson (aka psyodin on the boards)

Hi Larry,
My S12 arrived in plenty of time for our Cataract trip, which was a blast. The river was running at 42,000. BIG BIG BIG. The river was crowded (a relative term compared to our local Arkansas or Poudre), everyone trying to hit the big water. We saw endless flips in Mile Long and at the Big Drops. One group flipped at the top of the Big Drops and hung on for dear life as they went straight through Satan’s Gut. Another unfortunate raft flipped on Big Drop Two and went through the heart of Little Niagra. I am amazed no one was injured or killed. The rangers say it has been an eventful season!

The SOAR did great. I’ve run Cataract several times in my old grey S12. I lashed three gallons of water to the very front of the boat to provide ballast in the bow on the big rapids, and that definitely helped. I flipped once in the Mile Long, but was able to pop right back in and keep paddling. And, I made the Big Drops just fine (not counting the fear in my heart!).

A commercial guide made a snide comment at the put -in that his company wouldn’t let anyone go down in a “duckie” in this water. I saw him at the end of the trip and he asked how I’d done. He was amazed that a small inflatable could do the Big Drops. (The only other inflatable I saw on the river was empty!)

Many thanks for an excellent product.

-Steve Allen, Boulder, CO
Author of Canyoneering in Utah

I recently took my SOAR 12 through the ‘Mad Mile’ on the Gallatin River in Montana. The water level was fairly high, my run wasn’t elegant but the SOAR got me through. Bonnie and I also ran the section above that solo, she in the S12 and I in the S16 it was her frist time in the S12 and she loves it. Thanks again for designing such a good boat.

-Bob Donner, Briggsville, WI

How long has this been going on? I have been around inflatables for the last 30 years as a professional guide and recreational user working and rafting in Africa, Asia and Australia (just noticed all the great places start with an A). I have three first descents and thought I had a fair idea of what made a good craft, but my new S14 has exceeded all my expectations and definitely expanded my ideas on what can be done with an inflatable canoe. Great boat!

– Clive Richards, Murrumbateman, Australia

Hi Larry,
To escape from the day-to-day stress of life here in Iraq, my friend Billy Weaver and I find refuge in the SOAR website. We have both soaked in the stories and pictures on your site, over and over again. Even if all we can do right now is day dream of peaceful days to come, somewhere on a river.

Billy has decided to buy my 5-year old S14, and I am placing an order for a new S16 with motor mount. Thanks again Larry, I have had many great days on the water in my SOAR 14 and I know Billy will enjoy it just as much as I did. Looking forward to my new S16!

Best regards,
-Michael Adkins, Newport, NC

Just wanted to let you know how impressed I am with my S16. I bought it used from a friend, and was skeptical about the whitewater ability of the boat. In Sept., I ran Westwater Canyon, solo with about 100 lbs. gear and a short kayak paddle. The Colorado River was running 6000cfs, which is considered prime conditions. I managed to hit all the holes through Tunnel, Skull, Sock It To Me (class IV-V) and the rest. NO PROBLEMO! The S16 took hits from all directions, and as the safety boat watched in anxiety, it popped through every time. I am looking forward to testing it’s limits next year in Dowd Chutes, on North Ten Mile, and maybe even Gore…Will let you know how it goes. Maybe I will be putting my kayak up for sale.

R. Fischer, Copper Mtn., CO

I am a SOAR 16 owner and have enjoyed the boat. It has performed well for me on a 5-day Middle Fork run from Indian Creek (with my 11-year-old son in the bow), on a 12-day Middle/Main Salmon, and on a Westwater Canyon run. I have not punctured the boat in use, but have twice developed punctures when transporting the boat without a protective duffel. So, I think it is worth telling folks to put their boat in a duffel or wrap it in a tarp before throwing it in the back of a truck.

-Dan Hindert, Salt Lake City, UT

Dear SOAR,
Last summer I bought a SOAR14 and rigged it with your seats, seat covers, and thigh straps as a tandem white water canoe. For about 10 years I was a ACA white water instructor. I was able to run the Snake river a big water class 3 section with my beginner friend on our first time on the water. The main problem for canoes on this section is staying dry. Of course with a self-bailing SOAR, it was no problem. We surfed some big waves and all around had more phun than in a canoe. The softness of hulll and lack of carving edges was well worth the boyancy and dry performace gains. It definitely will make running bigger water tandem more of a possiblity. I hope to spend alot of time in it this summer, if I get any really good pictures I will send them your way. Thanks for expanding the potential of tandem white water paddling. What a joy to be back on my knees, with only one blade in hand sharing the high adventure of tandem ww paddling.

Happy Paddling,
-William Fontaine, Jackson, WY

Hi, folks! I am running Washington and Oregon rivers in my S14. As a matter of fact, I have been giving my other inflatables away, since I bought the S14. Thanks for a grrrrreat craft!

-George A. Compton, Kent, WA

They’re fantastic! I went solo in the SOAR 14 down the Jacks Fork with Bob Tucker (S16 solo) last week, and we had a great time. I’m a pretty lousy floater, and I didn’t capsize once — which I’ll attribute more to your boats than my prowess.
Plus, the boats got baptized as we launched (or almost did…. we were about to put in when a baptism got underway). Just wanted to let you know…

-Bill Grueskin, New York, NY

Hey Larry,
FYI, we paddled 350 miles in our SOAR this summer down the Snake River to the Peel River to Ft. McPherson. It performed EXCELLENT, even on the slow, windy Section of the Peel.

Take care,
-Sherry Olson, Atlanta, GA

Larry. Our S-16 has been a remarkable success as a whitewater play boat. Thigh straps and glued in knee pads, with an air bag in front, and we’ve had great fun running the spring runoff on a few of our Northwest rivers. The self bailing has made all the difference. There’s no problem bouncing into an occasional not too large hole and surfing the S-16 is a gas. Grabbing eddies downstream and ferrying up stream or down works like a champ. We are still learning specific techniques for leaving eddies, but we can always ferry out. We get lots of positive comments from fellow canoeists on the river. We’re now getting ready for some downriver camping, so the S-16 has been inside the house and inflated for a couple of weeks as I try to work out various packing arrangements. I’ll keep you posted.

-Jim Lawton, Seattle, WA

I dumped the SOAR for the first time last weekend on the Oconto River in Wisconson. Abby and I were paddling and we stopped for a short break. When Abby jumped out of the boat, Rice jumped in and we started surfing a wave. At one point, the current caught the bow and we quickly turned 180 degrees. Instead of leaning downstream, we found ourselves leaning upstream. The current caught us again and in we went.
The day before I paddled the S-14 solo on Peshtigo. The river was running high and no one in our group or anyone else that we talked to had run the river as high as it was. I didn’t find out until after the trip that many hard boaters in our group elected to run an easier river that day. I luckily made it through without swimming, thanks to my S-14!

-Kevin Jury

A group of us recently paddled Westwater Canyon of the Colorado River and lucky for me and a buddy of mine we had the great joy of paddling his SOAR 14. We hit every rapid dead on and played the role of the patrol boat pulling people out of Room of Doom rapid and getting a stranded boat out of the infamous Skull rapid. Although the water was as low as I’ve ever known 1700 cfs, the S-14 gave us a wicked time and all others on the trip were envious as they watched the SOAR worm its way through the rapids. Now I just need to get my own!

-Andrew Canales, Boulder, CO

I often use my bicycle as a shuttle for canoeing. Until I purchased my S14, I always stashed my bike in the weeds and returned for it at the end of the trip. Earlier this year, I decided to carry my bike along while I paddled. The fully assemble bike fit diagonally in the S14. The tires were wedged between the floor and side tube. The bike fit so nicely that I didn’t bother to tie it down. Even with the handlebars slightly hanging over the side of the boat, the S14 maintained the stability that I have grown to rely upon. On the next trip, my girlfriend joined me and again I shuttled by bicycle. We carried the bike in the S14 in addition to a dry bag full of all the essentials for a day trip. The fully assembled bike fit in the S14, but given the expression on my girlfriends face, it didn’t allow us enough room to stretch our legs. So, upon her direction, we took off the quick-release front tire and positioned the bike on the dry bag and across the side tubes of the S14. Since the bike was riding higher than when I paddled solo, we tied the bike in the boat. There was plenty of room for the both of us to enjoy a pleasant fall day on a northern Illinois River in the S14.

– Kevin Jury, Wheaton, IL

I wanted to let you know how I got through my first season with my SOAR 14, motor mount and 3.5 outboard motor.

I am 65 years old and weigh about 240 lbs. I fish mainly by myself on a large reservoir. To make everything work so I could handle the boat and motor alone, I did the following: I place my seat on the 5th and 6th grommets. I add 50 lbs of weight at the bow end to help balance and trim the canoe. To operate the outboard, I attach a helpmate handle to the tiller handle to enable me to reach the motor. Then I attach a cord to the starter handle and one to the kill switcy. I 1″ pvc pipe about 35″40″ in length is used to control the choke and throttle, and 1″ dowel rod about 36″ long is used for the kill switch. This keeps me from having to pull the kill switch every time. I motor to the main fishing area and then kayak paddle to reach smaller branches of the reservoir. I works really great!

-Ralph Horneffer, Indianapolis, IN

I have been using my SOAR inflatable as a dive kayak for about three years. I have attached a shot of the kayak with my dive buddy, John Malcolm, at the Point Lobos marine preserve, where we do most of our diving. We dive with Draeger rebreathers which are wider than a conventional SCUBA system and have to be loaded in the kayak sideways, leaning one to the left and one to the right. With 18 pounds of lead bags in the rebreathers, their total weight is about 80 pounds each. Then we add another 20 pounds or so for each of us in additional lead weight belts to compensate for our thick wetsuits and drysuits. So, in addition to gear straps, anchor, anchor chain and paddles, my SOAR 14 is carrying about 400 pounds of divers and 250 pounds of dive gear when we paddle out to a dive site up to half a mile from the launching ramp in Whaler’s Cove.

After my first use of the SOAR, I removed the self-bailing strips. It was unavoidable that I would get water inside, particularly when getting in and out of the kayak, which we both do at least twice for each dive. Rather than worrying about bailing the water out, it has proven simpler to just live with a wet floor (maybe half an inch of water at times because we usually have nearly 800 pounds in the kayak). After all, we are always wearing booties that keep our feet warm so a little water in the bottom is not a problem. Having a lot of water sloshing around was a problem when I had the self-bailing holes covered.

When I first put the SOAR kayak in the water, I had a lot of trouble keeping it going in a straight line, since there is no keel or rudder. The solution, not immediately obvious, was to use a canoe style of paddling, with the forward paddler continuously paddling on one side and the rear paddler alternately paddling one or two strokes on the opposite side and using the oar as a rudder between strokes. Lacking a keel or rudder means steering small or going in circles. We no longer go in circles but we still have to keep our minds on what we are doing if we want to maintain a straight course, particularly when dealing with strong winds, a rather common situation when using the kayak in the open ocean.

Just about every time we go diving, we have about half of the people coming up to us and asking us about our rebreathers (still not a common sight) and half come up to us and ask us about the SOAR kayak. The fact that I can roll it up in a bag and store it in the back of my Acura Integra trunk along with all of my dive gear and that two people can inflate it in ten minutes (I have two double-action air pumps) tends to impress people.

-Alex Stuart

If you are a Fisherman here is a letter that may interest you about using a SOAR as a drift boat…

A Drift Fisherman’s Story, by Joe Bristor

I just got back from the Albany River in northern Ontario. The SOAR was GREAT! It handled the class 3 / 4 rapids with ease, just as you said it would. The only trouble I had was crossing an 8 mile long lake in windy weather, but it was indeed a small price to pay! The carrying capacity of the SOAR is simply amazing. 350 lbs of duffel virtually disappeared into the SOAR. It was indeed a great trip. We unfortunately had to cut it short ( only 13 days on the river ) due to snow and cold weather ( can you believe it……In JULY?????? ).

-John Ehrlich, Arlington, VA

You probably don’t remember me, but my name is Jeff Wawro and I bought my first SOAR 16 from you in Nov. ’98. Since that time we have taken it from Arkansas to Alaska. I am a professional Natural History Photographer (Scenics & Wildlife). I have found the S16 to be compact enough to tie onto a float plane pontoon, yet spacious and buoyant enough to transport a week’s stake and all my heavy photographic equipment. What has been most amazing is it’s ability to be as responsive as a white water canoe in the rough stuff but, yet maintain the stability no conventional canoe could dream of. You have a convert. In fact last July I was in the Kenai Peninsula of Alaska where we were provided another type of craft by the outfitter. It didn’t take long to miss the SOAR or convince the guide who was surprisingly familiar with your design to look you up. Anyway, I am writing because I would like to pick up a second S16 duffel, breakdown paddles and a foot pump.

-Jeff Wawro, Denton, TX

I recently purchased a SOAR 12 Canoe from an individual and am extremely happy. He says he used it once. My son and I used it on the Current River in Missouri and the Taylor and Gunnison rivers in Colorado. It’s everything I hoped and more! We can’t wait for our next expedition. I was wondering if you would be kind enough to forward an owner’s manual including care tips, inflation precautions, etc. Thanks. What a craft!

P.S. We must have given your web address to a dozen parties in Colorado!

-Mark A. Lang, St. Louis, MO

Thanks a bunch for your flexibility. I have been very pleased with the SOAR I bought last November. On a trip last weekend, the accompanying canoers wrapped their canoe around a rock and we ran the rest of the rapids and the upper delta river with 4 in the SOAR plus gear. Impressive.

-Ken Tape, Fairbanks, AK

I finally got a chance to paddle my SOAR 14 in whitewater. As the bow person I had just met and I waited to start down Riley Creek, a narrow boulder strewn creek at the Edge of McKinley Park, comments from the kayakers ranged from “Won’t you be sitting up a little high?”, to “What great entertainment you will be to watch!” After gliding through what is usually a fairly bumpy ride as the whitewater canoe crashes from one rock to another, we entered the Nenana River at about the highest level I have paddled it. Although my bow person had never paddled the lower, bigger section below Riley Creek, the two of us handled the first half beautifully. By the time the river leaves the road to enter the canyon, she was confident enough to go on through. The second half went as well as the first. Despite our inexperience as a team, the canyon was a breeze, without anything approaching a close call. The S14 handled the huge waves and powerful hydraulics by absorbing them, and remaining stable. The self bailing feature was a real plus, as we took on a good deal of water over the front and sides. At times we had a pretty stiff breeze. But, it did not affect our ability to control the S14. By the end of the trip, the kayakers were impressed and my bow person offered to do it again anytime. Sorry, no pics were taken, but maybe next time.

-Jamo Parrish, Fairbanks, AK

I was very interested in an inflatable kayak, but was not sure if it would be what I wanted or what I could use. I found a used SOAR Cat for sale and the price was right so I bought it. Just in case you are wondering I LOVE IT !!! I ride 10 miles to the river, float 15 miles down the river with the bike on the cat, put the boat back in the trailer and bike back home. It is a great way to spend a day off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sold on the quality and usability. I have three teenage sons and we always do things together, I will be needing some more boats…..

-Jack Stevens, Ocala, FL

I canoed the lower Kishwaukee River Friday. It was the first completely solo trip that I have done. I stashed the SOAR in the bushes near Belvedere, IL, drove to the take-out, road my bike back to Belvedere and paddled downstream with the bike in the boat. The river isn’t exciting at all. But the portion of the Kish that bisects I-39 is nice. The banks and surrounding hills are all forested and mostly owned by the forest preserves or local parks.

-Kevin Jury, Wheaton, IL

Grady and I have really enjoyed our SOAR since I surprised him with it on Christmas morning. We have been out almost every weekend on local rivers and some tidal marsh explorations. Last week, we canoed Ichtucknee Springs first in the S14, and then in a tandem kayak, just for comparison. The SOAR tracked better than the kayak on flat water. As birders, the SOAR provided us with incredible sightings of birds that normally fly away when we are hiking. In the water, we were apparently not too threatening and paddled along companionably behind a pair of wood ducks recently…..ducks that normally flush at the slightest movement. We also paddled right up to barred owls grooming themselves on branches overhanging the water. They were completely unperturbed. I am a novice at this, but I have felt completely comfortable in the SOAR. We really enjoy the ease of throwing it in the back of our SUV for a quick “exercise paddle” nearby, or a weekend exploration of northwest andcentral Florida’s wonderful spring-fed rivers.

-Diane Harris, Jacksonville, FL

Hey! This is the Best Design ever. I would never find something like this anywhere in Utah.

-Larry Padlo, Ogden, UT

Your SOAR 16 performed wonderfully on our 430 mile descent of the Noatak River, which included whitewater and a 12-mile crossing of the open Arctic Ocean. It is an ideal expedition craft. By the way, I am 76 years old! Thank you very much.

-Hans Schmoldt, Bartlesville, OK

I appreciate your quick response to our order, and have already taken four trips down the New River here in West Virginia. Our S14 has proven stable and comfortable, and provide excellent fishing opportunities. One trip yielded a 23-inch smallmouth bass.

– Curtis Taylor, WV Dept of Natural Resources, Charleston, WV

I just got back from canoeing the Liverpool and Leeds Canal in England. My girlfriend and I paddled approximately 100 miles in 9 days. I took my S16 with me from Houston to London via TWA, then lugged it through the London Underground, on the train from London to Liverpool. We passed over 200 bridges and portaged about 50 locks (actually quicker than the power boats that used the locks). We made frequent stops to refuel on the excellent ale and grub and the numerous canalside pubs. At the end of the day, we deflated and rolled our S16 and either walked or took a bus or taxi to our bed and breakfast. The trip went so well, we are considering paddling the Caledonian Canal in Scotland next year.

– Glenn Austerfield, Houston, TX

My wife wanted a S12 inflatable canoe, but wouldn’t paddle it until I tried it out first…on the Ocoee! I’m a big guy and that little inflatable is a blast, especially on the biggest waves you can find!…and if you’ve never experienced self-bailing before…are you in store for a treat! I was grinning the whole way down…now my Dagger Encore is gathering dust!

-BigSqUeeZe (aka Mike Bragg), Macon, GA

Just a short note to touch base with you about the my latest SOAR Cat adventures. I recently finished a 5 day-4 night trip down the Lower Yampa & Green Rivers from Deer Lodge Park through Split Mountain. The Yampa was running at 10,500 cfs at put-in. I carried about 80 – 90 pounds of gear plus my 6′ 1″ 220 lb body. The boat handled well, and if I may be allowed to gloat a bit, I did not flip in any of the rapids, even when crashing through the infamous Warm Springs Rapid which was running at a solid class IV. Several other rapids on the Yampa (Tepee, Little Joe and Big Joe) and on the Green (Moonshine, S.O.B., Schoolboy, and Inglesby) were terrific rides, and proved to be no problem for the SOAR Cat.

-Richard Beckstead, Sandy, UT

I got to try my new SOAR 16 out yesterday. Had some good solid Class II water. I couldn’t believe how well it handled and how stable it was with my 325 lbs in the back and my buddy’s 225 lbs in the front. I had an open can of soda sitting in the bottom of the boat as we went through one Class II and it didn’t even spill! The SOAR 16 handled and turned just a little slower than my Dagger Legend 16 but sure was stable. I’ll never go back to canoes again!

-Grover Wedgeworth, Wetumpka, AL

I’m writing to let you know how pleased I am with the purchase of my SOAR Cat. As a professional outdoor writer/photographer, I suspected that your product would meet my needs regarding portability, convenience and performance and I am pleased to say it has greatly exceeded my expectations.

I’ve used the SOAR Cat on everything from small ponds to large white water rivers and it hasn’t shown a bit of wear. Best of all, it is so light it is easy to carry over portages; and, throwing on the roof of my VW camper is child’s play compared to a canoe or kayak. Folding it up into a small package for winter storage is another valued bonus.

By running 550 parachute cord through the grommets I’ve created custom decking that easily carries all my gear, including camera equipment. I’ve found the SOAR Cat to be much handier than a canoe and it’s a great platform from which to fish or photograph.

Thanks for making such a useful and enjoyable product!

-Vern Holm, Menomonie, WI

I often travel on a local river, the Wakaula, which is inhabited by manatee. The manatee think they are related to the SOAR boat and surface to nudge it and check it out. They are about the same color and size. This is great for my daughter because they are close enough to touch.

-Kim Bowman, Havana, FL

Greetings from Churchill! The boats are a huge success, can’t think of any reason to own a hard shell craft again. One big plus feature of the S16 is it’s extreme load capacity and great stability. Our guest photographers find it to be an exceptional platform for approaching and capturing closeups of Hudson Bay Wildlife. One group had to outpaddle a Polar Bear that they got a little to close too while shooting film!

-Mike Reimers, Seal River Lodge, Churchill, MB

The boat is Beautiful!!!

-Erica Clarkson, Adventure Racer, APO, Germany

Just an update, my S16 is still as much fun as ever. This year we bought a house on a lake 30 miles from our home. We did some paddling around the lake a few times and then I decided to fit it with an electric trolling motor (that cost $100 new). I rigged a simple transom made out of some 2″X 2″s and some plywood (cost less than $10) mounted on top of the tubes and off to the starboard side behind my seat and tied it down to the grommets. It works like a champ to get me around the lake by myself, and is perfect when I want to run out for a fishing trip by myself or with a friend who doesn’t know or want to paddle. We’ve had four adults in the boat and the little motor moves you faster than paddling.

-Mike Ross, Panama City, FL

I’ve had the privilege of using your boats for a couple of years. I’m friends with Ralph Waltman, Bob Walker, Kate Kester, Mike Jost and the clan from central Missouri. I’m the guy in the SOAR 16 with Kate Kester on your new catalog (yellow helmet). I’m currently living in South Texas and use the SOAR 16 to surf with. It’s a blast. Needless to say it attracts a lot of attention and if I had a truckload of boats, they would have been sold.

-John Manzer, Galveston, TX

For multi-day trips, the load capacity and design of the SOAR exceeded my expectations. York packs, rocket boxes and rectangular water containers are easily strapped in and removed thanks to the beefy grommet strips.

Customer support has been great. Larry Laba has been very helpful in trying to solve my pressure release valve problem. Larry has been a pleasure to deal with. I would never hesitate and purchase any SOAR product. The company is clearly proud of its products and stands behind them.

-Ted Bright, Denver, CO

Had a great one day run on the Gunnison with my SOAR 16. Another fellow was trying out an AIRE 12′. He couldn’t keep it straight and the sitting-on-the-bottom self-bailing paddling position had his lower torso frozen by the time the 4 hour run was over. Love the SOAR. It was almost as maneuverable as the white water canoe along and we stayed dry and comfortable.

-John Mansfield, Norwood, CO

I am sorry I wasn’t able to write sooner because I have been rather busy. The S14 canoe was a success on it’s maiden trip. It can stand very well the rough treatment on the mangrove roots. It took very well the narrow canals, and is very light and easy to manage. This is the opinion of the expert navigators of the mangrove forest…It’s much better than straight canoe. I’m sure Ecoturismo Yucatan made a very good purchase when he the SOAR Inflatable for our program Adventure in the Yucatan swamps.

-David Salas, Ecoturismo Yucatan, Merida, Mexico

My dog has more stories to tell than I do! He often floats with me, finding the most comfortable poses in the S12. Because of him, I know who durable the SOAR is…he digs in with his claws when the boat lurches and spins. He carries more mud, sand, and rocks aboard than any passenger ever could. The hypalon fabric has held up very well.

-Wayne Paul Miller, Clarion, PA